At Absolute Escapes, our priority has always been to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our clients, staff and suppliers, and we’re closely monitoring the ever-changing COVID-19 restrictions. However, we’re sure that, like us, you’re keen to continue travelling and enjoying new experiences.


Book With Confidence – Flexible Postponement Policy

To provide you with as much flexibility as possible, we have relaxed our usual booking conditions to give you the option of hassle-free postponements up to 3 weeks in advance of your trip for any COVID-19 related reason *.

That means that no postponement penalty or admin fee will be charged.

* COVID-19 related reasons are termed as any of the following restrictions being in place at the time of your request to postpone:

  • The destination you are travelling to has entry restrictions in place that prohibit you from travelling, such as closed borders or local travel restrictions
  • The UK FCDO advises against all but essential travel, or your home country is placed on the red or amber list
  • The government in your country of residence restricts all but essential travel

Any other requests for postponement due to COVID-19 implications will be considered on an individual basis. Postponement requests for reasons other than COVID-19 are subject to our usual Booking Conditions.

Should you wish to postpone your trip, you will be able to choose from the following options:

  1. Postponement of your holiday to a specific date any time before 31st December 2024.
  2. Postponement of your holiday to an unspecified date any time before 31st December 2024. Please advise us on your new dates at least 8 weeks prior to travelling.

If you choose to postpone your holiday to another date in 2023, we are happy to honour your existing package price. If you choose to postpone your holiday to 2024, we will need to add 5% to the package price to account for increasing supplier costs. For either year, we will charge no admin fee.

If you choose to cancel your holiday less than 3 weeks in advance, our standard booking conditions will still apply. We would suggest that you contact your travel insurance provider to see if you’re able to recover any cancellation costs.

If COVID-19 restrictions are introduced less than 3 weeks in advance of your holiday which means we are unable to fulfil your holiday requirements, we will postpone your trip to a later date of your choice, with no admin fee. As some accommodation providers have cancellation policies we will do everything possible to transfer the cost of your stay to your new date. On the rare occasion that this isn’t possible, we will, unfortunately, have to pass this cost onto you, although you should be able to make a claim for this via your travel insurance.


Travel Restrictions

Currently, some overseas visitors to the British Isles may be required to quarantine due to COVID-19 restrictions. These rules depend on which country you are visiting and where you are travelling from. The most up-to-date rules can be found on the following websites:

For our customers travelling from overseas, we realise this presents uncertainty. This is one of the reasons we have relaxed our booking conditions to allow for flexible and hassle-free postponements, as detailed above.

For more information, you may find the following links useful:

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